Custom synthesis
Contract research
Led by Passionate Experts

Kryštof Šigut
Kryštof is responsible for sales and finances.
Owner and a CEO of Santiago, a chemical and labware sourcing business

Petr Slavík
Head of Chemistry
Petr is responsible for chemical part of company
Synthetic chemistry professional with 10+ years of experience in various fields of chemistry at international and Czech laboratories
Contact: petr.slavik@santiago-lab.com
Our story
Our laboratory is based on synergy between our expertise in chemical business and organic synthesis. We have more than 8 years of experience in providing custom chemicals to academic research laboratories and pharmaceutical companies around the globe. Our chemists have PhDs in chemistry from major Czech universities and over 10 years of experience in organic and medicinal chemistry at top scientific institutions.
Field of chemistry
In-house expertise
Laboratory equipment
Cutting-edge instrumentation for expedited research
The science of today is the technology of tomorrow
Drop us a line
We will respond as soon as possible, typically within 48 hours.
The project “Preparation of ddh nucleoside markers of viral diseases and digitization of their production” was supported by the grant programme Czech Rise Up 3.0 founded by the European Union.